Understanding your beautiful brain
Let’s begin by explaining how our brains are supposed to work. In the NeuroEmotional world, there’s a concept called ‘top-down emotional processing’. Coined by The Center for Emotional Education, this is the way our brains are naturally meant to function.
Imagine three floors from top to bottom:
- Executive
- Emotional
- Survival
And a very simple way to think about it is the executive brain takes care of all cognitive functioning, the emotional brain is here to simply process emotion, and lastly the survival brain is here for one thing and one thing only, to keep us alive and away from danger.
We’re meant to operate from our executive brain when doing executive brain tasks like problem solving, long term planning, being creative, etc. Then drop into the emotional brain when we need to experience and process emotion, and only drop into survival when we’re actually in danger of dying. But in our modern day life, it no longer works like that. Because of { insert all the ways society functions in a way that does not serve our true nature } and so most of our brains aren’t operating as they should.
We now operate primarily in a brain wired to process from the bottom up. Our survival brains are on high alert, constantly making prediction errors throughout our day and as a result, even the slightest hint of ‘negative’ emotion in our nervous system can be perceived as a threat, making way for our survival brain to come on board and ‘save the day’ during normal day-to-day interactions.
Problem is, survival brain is terrible at dealing with any type of high level thinking or even just experiencing basic emotion, because it was not designed to do that. So with very little active brain chemistry on our side, we land up responding to these normal day-to-day interactions in one of four ways:
Fight – Fighting the situation, the person, the emotion.
Flight – Doing anything and everything to get away from the situation, the person, the emotion.
Freeze – Feeling totally paralysed in the face of the situation, the person, the emotion.
Appease – Fixing everything else but the situation at hand and pretending like everything is totally fine.
A very inefficient way of moving through life, yet sadly most people on earth are living this way. And the even sadder thing about this – is that our survival brain state has no self-awareness. So most people don’t even know that they are here!
Another interesting point to note is that our brain states do not allow elevation without going through the levels. So if you’re stuck down in survival, and you’re trying to do a task that requires executive functioning, with a nervous system full of unprocessed emotion on board, and processing emotion is not deemed safe, well… then you’re in for a hard swim upstream. And those executive tasks are going to feel exhausting. Because no matter how much meditation, yoga or padel you manage to fit into your busy schedule, if your brain chemistry won’t allow you to elevate out of survival, then you’re holding yourself back without even knowing it.
As a result, we often find ourselves trying to solve problems from a place where we’re blind to any solutions. Our survival brains are fully occupied with keeping us away from the perceived danger – which is actually just the emotion itself – leaving little room for creative or effective problem solving.
And now for the good news: How NeuroEmotional Coaching works with your brain chemistry to help rewire your brain for success.
NeuroEmotional Coaching is a modality that works with your brain chemistry to help rewire your brain, and help it get better at feeling all your feelings. The sadness, the anger, the resentment, the grief, the shame, the loneliness, the joy, the ecstasy, the pleasure, the happiness. All of it. Because the only way through, is through.
It’s a modality that helps you feel safe in your body again and helps signal to your brain that there actually isn’t a lion coming to eat you and that you don’t have to prepare for death and operate from there, just because you’re having a feeling. What it does, is allow you to take a pause and look at it, from a safe and embodied space. It allows you to learn more about that feeling and safely explore it and to signal to your brain that by doing this, you are creating more flow and less resistance, and slowly your brain will start to kinda enjoy that feeling. It’s gonna start to crave a little more one-on-one time with you, and it will start to become something that you just do, naturally, like breathing, because that’s how it’s meant to be.
Your true nature, is to be able to feel all your feelings, with complete safety, in the moment.
That really is it. When all feelings are allowed, then your emotional brain can do the work it’s meant to do, and you can easily flow in and out of brain states in a way that serves you. Executive brain? Easy to access. Because all brain states are allowed.
The bad news: NeuroEmotional Coaching is not for everyone.
This is not a modality where I give you solutions to your ‘problems’. This is a modality that helps you take radical responsibility for your life and your happiness. It helps you learn how to relax and become friends with your own brain and body, so that productivity and satisfaction in all areas of your life, goes up.
This work is not for everyone. If you aren’t into talking about your feelings then you’re probably not going to gel with this work. But I can promise you that there is something magical that happens when you find the courage to go there and bring those scary feelings into the light. This is transformational work that literally rewires your brain and helps you understand your ‘triggers’ with more compassion and a way forward. So if you’re ready for deep work, big realisations and enhanced emotional regulation, then I am so looking forward to working with you.
NeuroEmotional Coaching completely transformed my life and helped me to feel safe enough in my own body so that I could find the courage to conquer things in my life that I never dreamt I’d be able to. And trust me, when it comes to therapy, I’ve tried them all. All of them were useful in their own way, but nothing has come close to the clarity, understanding and tools I’ve received from working with my own NeuroEmotional Coach.
My favourite part about this modality, is that it’s setup in a way, that you get to learn the tools too. There’s no gatekeeping here. Over time, our sessions will start to feel more like conversations with a friend. It will all come naturally to you. It won’t feel like work anymore, it will just feel like supporting yourself, in a really natural and loving way.
If this sounds like something you might be keen to explore further, please book a call, where we can meet online, you can ask questions, and we can decide if NeuroEmotional Coaching is the right choice for you.
Neuroscience now reveals that the subconscious mind (which is an information processor, one million times more powerful than the conscious mind) runs our behaviour from 95-99% of the time.
– Dr Bruce Lipton